day 6: framing

Yesterday, we dived into connecting with your readers so well, they're eager to buy…

But connection alone isn't enough.

You've got to prove you're the expert they need.

Enter the game-changer: Naming Your Frame.

Not a celeb?

No worries.

Your fastest ticket to authority is how you frame your expertise.

Think of framing as your unique take on your audience's challenges.

It's like a Big Idea, but we're getting down to brass tacks today.

And guess what?

The secret sauce is...shapes!

Triangles and Squares, to be exact.

There's magic in mapping your solutions to shapes, making your expertise undeniable.

So, pause and ponder your solution to your reader's problems.

For instance, my clients are usually solopreneurs with cash but no time to grow.

Their main issues? No time due to daily grind, lack of marketing know-how, and being too in their own bubble.

My three-step plan includes: email systems for more freedom… short-form funnels for affordable client acquisition… and feedback from the market for a fresh viewpoint.

Take a fitness pro I worked with: we framed their expertise around nutrition… fitness… and testosterone boosters.

Another buddy uses six pillars of intimacy.

Stick to 3-4 pillars for clarity and impact.

It'll help your audience picture what you do.. and why nothing else worked for them yet.

Time to craft your frame!

Catch you later, I’m off to celebrate Valentine’s Day with Sandy 🙂 
