Funnel of the Week 002

I’m talking British Pounds.

Because this week, I’m breaking down Paul Green’s big win:

It doesn’t hurt her called me a genius either ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Here’s The Scoop:

  • Paul Green sells a 1k LinkedIn Mastermind but was stuck grinding.

  • He offered lead magnets, masterclasses, and more to get more leads to call. But those tools kept getting less and less effective.

  • We built a flow where leads would sign up for a lead magnet and immediately go into a chat. Then we either sent a VSL or booked a call.

  • This resulted in a 23k pound launch… and has since closed over 100k pounds in sales.

Here’s Why This Is So Cool:

  • Consumption is a two-pronged tool. Yes, it helps to have people consume your content or products. But, you don’t need them to.

  • Once someone “raises their hand” for a webinar, lead magnet, or other shiny treat you know they’re in the market and you can reach out to them.

  • In chat, we’re able to close the ready-to-buy leads immediately.. and nurture the shy leads more. That’s why there was a solid 23k launch and many more sales after.

If you’re interested in results like Paul’s, just reply clients and I will get you the details!

- Zack