Funnel Of The Week 003

Big news!

Our client of the week, Eric Cipolla, recently closed his first coaching client from Instagram:

It was an 8,000 peso paid-in-full sale.

What you don’t know is how Eric’s been working online the better part of the last decade.

I’ve seen Eric build dozens of ecomm stores.. build up his personal brand… write dozens of cold traffic funnels… and so on.

I share this not because Eric’s a hard worker.

It’s because Eric’s tried SO MUCH to get leads.

Whether you’re looking for clicks, traffic, leads, replies, hand-raises, eyeballs, or prospects - all online businesses grow by getting in front of new people.

Ideally getting in front of new people without using all of your time or profits.

And this is the smoothest way to get high-ticket buyers for online service businesses.

Here’s How It Works:

  1. Post 6-9 pieces of Keystone Content on your feed.

  2. Drive targeted followers to that content with $10-$20 a day.

  3. Get inbound traffic!

Please Note:

  • Eric has less than 2,000 followers.

  • Eric posts a lot of other content- which actually hurts this strategy. Ideally you just fill up your 6-9 posts and you’re done.

  • These results took about 6 weeks. This isn’t an overnight miracle get-rich-fast type of thing.

But in my 11 years of scaling online brands, it’s the most effective way to build a conveyor belt of high-ticket clients ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

If you’re interested in results like Eric’s, just reply clients and I will get you the details!

- Zack