How To Avoid "Blank Screen" Syndrome

The First Law Of Creating Your Business

“What do I work on today?”


I’m in bed tapping away on my phone writing this message to you.

The first thing going through my head is:

What the heck do I write?

I want to share something with you that makes you go:

Wow my paradigms are shifting”

That’s Ridiculously valuable for my business”

Holy cow I can get so much leverage from that!”

Unfortunately, my high expectations will have to hit the road.

The truth is perfect is the opposite of done.

You can never reach perfection

This piece of reality first slapped me in the face when I was working on building our chat systems for jason capital.

It didn’t matter how early I rose.

Or how late I kept at it.

There will way too many conversations!

I could work 24 hours straight and still not be done.

Even today, there is always more to do.

Unless you give up being perfect.

Take a breath today.

- You don’t need to be on Instagram, YouTube, tiktok, LinkedIn, MySpace and tinder.

- You can’t have the perfect offer or product, at least without having more sales and feedback.

- You’ll never have the perfect sales pitch before falling on your face.
Same with any ads, VSLs, or copy you write.

Take today to precisely place another brick in the empire youre building.

You’ve got this.


P.S. The myth of perfect is why business is an infinite game.

The more you play the better you get.

Marketing fatigues, trends change, the market is fickle.

You don’t need great market or sales, you need the skills to stay in the game.

Or, you can borrow my 9 years of experience in sales and marketing instead.

After working with jay shetty, les brown, jordon belfort and others I’m certain of one thing.

I can get clients.

And it’s not with some cohort or fancy agency.

It’s me and you working together 1-1 on a client-getting machine that fits your business like a glove.

I call them Client Vending Machines because:

- You have leads every day

- You enroll new clients every week

- You just sit back and focus on the parts of your business you love

If that sounds interesting to you at all, just reply back to this email with the word “clients” in the subject line.

I’ll ask you a few questions about your business and then come up with a strategy for you to continue growing.

Looking forward to chatting!