writing copy post-AI

for you or your team

Do you write copy?

Or have a content person on your team?

This might not be for you… but for the right person I want to share how to grow your conversion rates.

In December, I made a promise to my mentor to level up.

And the fastest way to do that, with marketing, is:

  1. Write every day.

  2. Get feedback from the market AND peers.

  3. Repeat

With that in mind, I reached out to some A-level copywriters to start a small in-formal group where we rip each others copy to shreds.

It’s made me much much better.

Right now the group is just the 3 of us.

And I’m already seeing:

  • Writing faster control-beating copy.

  • New shortcuts and tools using AI that is not dense or lifeless.

  • Different pricing and offer structures from industries outside my niche.

  • Copy is much much more fun to write.

  • Learning new structures on the client and business side as well.

I want to grow this group slowly to 12-15 writers max.

To qualify for a spot, we’re looking for:

  1. You must be an active writer. This could be LinkedIn posts, daily emails, writing VSLs, video scripts, etc.

  2. Don’t be a jerk. We believe every day is Day One. We’re looking to be supportive and level each other up- not compete or show off.

  3. You want to be a world class marketer.

  4. Be able to keep a secret.

If that’s you, or someone you know, let me know.

If not, that’s all good too!

- Zack

P.S. Are you interested in direct response copy?

Or just tap the link above to a 2-question survey to let me know more about you 🙂